Welcome to Patient Empowerment Pulse: Real-Life Wisdom from a Professional Patient Who I Am Welcome to Patient Empowerment Pulse, a blog built on the hard-won wisdom of someone who’s lived both sides of the healthcare divide. I’m Joanna, and this is more than just a health blog—it’s a survival guide for anyone trying to navigate chronic illness, complicated care teams, and a medical system that often feels like it’s working against you. I didn’t set out to become a professional patient. I trained for a career in culinary arts. But life had other plans. Over the years, I was diagnosed with lupus, Sjögren’s syndrome, spondylitic arthritis, inflammatory-onset diabetes, and a growing list of related conditions. That’s when I discovered that all my professional training didn’t fully prepare me for what it means to actually live this every day. This blog is where I share the strategies, hard-earned insights, and practical tools I’ve picked up along the way—not just from books and degre...
7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Your Next Doctor’s Appointment (That Could Change Your Care Forever)
Managing chronic illness means spending a lot of time at medical appointments—but how much of that time is actually helpful? Too often, we leave the doctor’s office feeling frustrated, confused, or unheard. The secret to better appointments isn’t just picking the right doctor—it’s showing up prepared. Before your next visit, pause and ask yourself these seven questions. They could completely change the way you advocate for yourself—and help you walk away with the care you actually need. 1. What’s my #1 goal for this appointment? Are you hoping to get a new symptom evaluated? Asking for a medication change? Needing help with side effects? If you don’t define your goal upfront, it’s easy to get sidetracked by small talk, test results, or whatever’s at the top of your chart. Knowing your priority keeps you focused. 2. What’s changed since my last visit? New symptoms, worsening pain, side effects from meds—whatever’s different, write it down. Changes over time are critical data...